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     KISS co-founder and bass player Gene Simmons is on record as saying that rock is dead - not if the members of HELL MARY have anything to say about it. These Colorado-based rockers are out to prove to the world the spirit of rock and roll is very much alive and kicking.


     "We mean it quite literally when we say 'We're here to save rock and roll'", says guitarist Jimmie Earls. "We play the style we want to play and if rock is going to die, then we're not going to let it go out without a fight. We, as a band, have banned any sort of drop tuning, growling/screaming/farting for vocals or any guitar with more than six strings on it. This is the return of true rock, where melodic vocals and solos are applied and appreciated."

     Although the concept of the band has been around a couple years, it wasn't until Earls met lead vocalist Jason Launer after moving to Colorado in 2013 that the lineup and vision was refined. The duo immediately started working on fresh material, with each band member added their own personal touches to each song. The formula was basic - keep it simple, down to the lowest common denominator - old school blues-based rock that follows in the mold of legendary bands like Bad Company, Aerosmith, AC/DC and the aformentioned KISS.


     The band is currently finalizing material for their debut album while seeking show opportunities. For booking or contact information, please visit the Contact section of this site.

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